Thursday, April 15, 2010

development history

High speed information transmission will be one of the main research aspects in wireless communication. Compared with other systems, Ultra-Wide Band Communication (UWB) wireless communication system has received widely study in the research of next discount wedding dresses generation wireless communication for the advantages of high capacity, high multipath resolution, compatibility with existing communication frequency spectrum, high security and so on.Time reversal (cheap evening dresses ) technology was first applied in acoustics field by M.Fink, and in recent years it was introduced into cheap wedding gown dresses electromagnetic wave field. If TR is applied to ultra-wideband (custom made prom dresses) wireless communication, it will tremendously increase the capacity of the channel, reduce the co-channel interference, reduce inter-symbol interference, and increase the information transmission rate. So TR has attracted a lot of wireless chi flat iron store communication researchers. The thesis does some research of TR, and it is divided into following chapters.Chapter 1 introduces the development history of UWB wireless communications, problems to be solved, present solutions and the advantages of TR technique. Then we simply explain the temporal and spatial focusing of TR, and finally introduce the development status of TR-UWB.Chapter 2 introduces the techniques of TR-UWB wireless transmissions experiment, including pulse generator, limitation of power, Clean algorithm, and so on.